Love is not a debt that needs to be paid back with love

29 November 2011

Love is you

Sometimes I might feel that I'll happier alone
to think about love with
to think someone who cares about
to think someone to share my joy
this time, I'll take a chance
cause I know, I'll never know what I will get someday
until I have really tried to know you, more than just a friendship
So, if here (in my heart) somebody I miss...
I tell him that I do.. I do miss that somebody
you know who the somebody that I mean?
Yes, it's true.. Of course you!
and I'll take the time to know what real love is
cause only time is capable of understanding


"My cherrie amour" by me

le 29 Novembre

Mon chère amour,
Depuis que nous nous somme rencontrès tu
m'as appris ènormèment des choses.
Tu m'as appris à ouvrir mon coeur à quelqu'un, à tout partager, à aimer...
tu m'as appris de l'amour et tu m'as rendu heureux.
j'espère aussi pouvoir te rende heureuse et t'apprende à mon tour quelque chose.

Ton Chèri de coeur,

21 November 2011

love letter by me

You are my only love, birdie... You have me completely in your power. I know and feel that if I am to write anything fine or noble in the future I shall do so only by listening to the doors of your heart, birdie... I love you deeply and truly. There is not a particle of my love that is not yours... If you would only let me I would speak to you of everything in my mind but sometimes I fancy from your look that you would only be bored by me. Anyhow, I love you just more than I can say.. I would like to give you everything that is mine, any knowledge I have (little as it is) any emotions I myself feel or have felt, any likes or dislikes I have, any hopes I have or remorse. I would like to go through life side by side with you, telling you more and more until we grew to be one being together, until the hour should come for us to die. Even now the tears rush to my eyes and sobs choke my throat as I write this. We have only one short life in which to love. My darling, be only a little kinder to me, bear with me a little even if I am inconsiderate and unmanageable and please believe me that we will be happy together. Let me love you in my own way. Let me have your heart always close to mine to hear every throb of my life, every sorrow, every joy... ILOVEYOU, birdie..

17 November 2011

This is just for CATUR handayani :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY...........!!!
semoga panjang umur, semakin dewasa, karir lancar jaya, makin langgeng sama si bang toyib lo itu, semakin cantik.. haahahahahahah

oiyah pus, sorry banget yah kemaren gue gak ikut ke kota tua., you know why lah yah.. Gue juga telat banget ngucapin'nya. Hari ini kita juga nggak ketemu, jadi pas tadi amanda bilang dia mau ke anggrek karna ada urusan nippon itu, sebenernya gue yang bbm'in lo.. KENAPA? supaya lo gak masuk-masuk ke kamarnya amanda, karna kondisi disana udah gundah gulana semua. trus apalagi kalo lo masuk, bisa-bisa bukan surprise namanya. HAHAHAHAH.. sampe gue harus bikin kertas yang di tempel di depan pintu yang tulisannya "MANDA IS AWAY" padahal kita lagi di dalem kamar. Lagi berdiskusi ria. Akhirnya dicabut trus gue ganti deh. Trus udah gitu lo bilang mau pulang, yahh.. yaudah deh, kita nggak ketemu.. BELOM CIPIKA CIPIKI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaahah #shyshycat lahh ya..

Oh iyah., hari ini lo ultah sepertinya anak-anak PEU heboh banget..
Yah gue cuma mau bilang, kalo lo berarti banget buat kita-kita. Dari yang gila-gila'an BBQ'an waktu itu, trus dari kita bareng-bareng makan baso keraton,makan soto bogor malem-malem, sampe ngerjain tugas bareng di BS. Smuanya berarti banget..

Thank's banget yah udah nemenin gue selama di PEU, amanda, sama ayi.. hahahahah..
Kalo gue galau, dibahas bareng-bareng sama lo, amanda, trus ayi.. Kalo lagi seneng, kita menggila bersama. HEHEHE.. we always be there for you, pu!!!!!
Longlast yah, sist sama bang Latip lo itu gue doain supaya entar janur kuning-nya melengkung... caaaa elaahhh #shyshycat lahhh..
Kita semua seneng lo udah semakin dewasa trus semakin oke juga dangdutannya, jangan takut juga kalo ke kamar mandi sendirian, kalo takut, inget ada gue, amanda, sama ayi dan kita lagi ngomong "seneeeee dolooooooo" #hahaha

Yaudah segini aja dari gue. I LOVE U, I LOVE U, I LOVE U :* :* :* :*

16 November 2011

A is for Amanda Vitra Noor.

hahahaha.. gue liat status lo terakhir, sedih banget.. makanya gue ngepost ini dolooo skali-kali lo eksis di blog gue kan manteb! daripada lo eksis di binus square sama warteg biru molooo... ahahahah
by the way, gue kangen ayam kremes warteg biru..!!!

Manda... jangan mewek lagi yahhh.. :( harus berapa kali gue bilang.
Gue gamau liat lo galau lagi ahh...
Sist, lo sesuatu yang unik. gue gak ngerti seberapa cowo yang TERGILA-GILA sama cewe korea, gaak ngerti seberapa FREAK mereka buat memuja para cewe korea, yang gue ngerti adalah pribadi lo yang unik, jadi jangan galau-galau lagi yahh..
"A real woman isn't perfect and a perfect woman isn't REAL"

sebenernya lo gak perlu musingin si itu dan si ini dan kenapa begitu kenapa begini, yang cukup lo tau,.. lo salah satu cewe yang selalu ngejaga prinsip.
Prinsip kita sama kan, man...? hahhahhaahah...
KALO GALAU jawabannya cuma 1 = YASUDAHLAHHH...
Ibarat kata bang Raditya dika, kalo ada suster ngesot YAUDAAHHHH... BIARININ AJA LEWAT.
hal ini bukan berarti kita nggak keep in faith sama doi. Yang jadi masalahnya, emangnya dia pantes ngedapetin apa yang udah kita korbanin?
udah laahh ya manda, IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON!
masih ada gue, puspa catur handayani, sama ratika puji kinanti khairina kan..?
we always be there for you, manda...

jadi sekarang kita nikmatin aja hidup kita ini..Buat sesuatu yang bermakna buat orang lain.. hahahah.. STRONG HEART NEVER DIE, man!!
Selama masih ada langit biru, kita gak perlu musingin hari esok. Biarinin aja smuanya jalan kayak air.
Nanti juga ada waktunya, smuanya udah diatur sesuai rencana.. ada karma-nya juga kok, jadi santai aja... hahahah


HIDUP 01 PEU !!!!! #lohhh?

oiyah man, nih gue ada lagu buat lo, buat kita-kita sih sebenernya heheheheeh
nih... smoga menghibur yakkk.. abisnya gue lagi nggak di tempat lo, kalo gue lagi di tempat lo, pasti udah menggila kita..hahahah

Life is beautiful
We love until we die

When you run into my arms,
We steal a perfect moment.
Let the monsters see you smile,
Let them see you smiling.

Do I hold you too tightly?
When will the hurt kick in?

Life is beautiful, but it's complicated.
We barely make it.
We don't need to understand,
There are miracles, miracles.

Yeah, life is beautiful.
Our hearts, they beat and break.

When you run away from harm,
Will you run back into my arms,
Like you did when you were young?
Will you come back to me?

I will hold you tightly
When the hurting kicks in.

Life is beautiful, but it's complicated,
we barely make it.
We don't need to understand,
There are miracles, miracles.

Stand where you are.
We let all these moments pass us by.

It's amazing where I'm standing,
There's a lot that we can give.
This is ours just for a moment.
There's a lot that we can give.


10 November 2011

My home work excuses

1. My dog ate it.

2. My religion forbids the wanton waste of time on pointless busy work.

3. No compredo, senorita!

4. I sneezed on it. So in the interest of public safety, the Department of Health ordered it destroyed.

5. I didn't forget to do it. I have amnesia.

6. I was observing the feast of St. Higglemony, patron saint of layabouts and ne'er-do-wells.

7. I did it. I just didn't write it down.

8. I just do it like a boss.

9. I can't release that document for National Security reason.

10. My dad ate it!

for DKV New Media

07 November 2011


Today.. he stole my heart !!

DEAR MR. Zombie,
You are mine

03 November 2011

if someday

If one day you felt like you wanna cry, call me. If I couldn't make you smile, at least you could have my shoulder to cry on.

If someday you felt like you don't wanna listen to anyone, text me. I'll be there for you in silence.

If one day you wanted to run away, call me. I'll run with you until you can't run any longer.

But if someday you called me and I didn't respond, come see me, because it might be the time where I need you most~
